Today we explore the teaser trailer for a new Disney/Pixar animated feature Elio. In a classic trailer rug-pull, it opens with a serious man’s voiceover reminiscent of science and nature documentaries. We see planets, satellites, and then zoom in to Major Olga Solis (voiced by America Ferrera) working the overnight shift at a space research centre. The high register sparse piano here is run through delay effects, as though the piano notes are bouncing off distant stars. This music gives a feeling of momentum, suspense, and imminent action. The music builds, as strings, percussion, and choir are added and the anticipation is warranted because the space station’s computer monitors are being overrun by glitchy yet seemingly playful messages from alien lifeforms instructing Solis to ‘Bring us your Leader.’ The music fades out but suddenly at 0.26, as Soli is reading the message aloud, she is interrupted by an incoming video call from her son Elio.
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